Geez, I didn't realize how long it has been since I posted. Goes to show the old saying "Time flys when you're having fun" is so true. I have been stitching away & have 3 projects to update on. When last I posted it was with my progress on Treasure Quest. Now I have updates on 3 projects that I have stitched on since then. Train of Dreams, The Astronomer & Chocolate Chocolate & More Chocolate (this one will now be referred to as CC&MC). They have each had 2 weeks of stitching.
Also woke up this morning to more of that four letter word s***. Come on enough is enough. I grew up in Montana & we never had this much snow at once back then.
I would also like to ask a favor of anyone who comments & asks a question please leave your email address so I can reply.CC&MC |
The Astromomer |
Train of Dreams |
Train of Dreams |