Wow, I can't believe it is 2011 already. Why does it seem that time goes faster the older you get. Seems like summer was just yesterday & now it is the middle of winter. We had a great Christmas & a quiet New Year.
I had the week between Christmas & New Years off so got alot of stitching done. It's amazing what you can do when you don't have to worry about going to work Then again have to work to pay for stash. I finished my 2 week rotation on Train of Dreams & on January 1 I started Treasure Quest. I know I'm crazy but I can't help myself. Spangler's work is so addicting & the little dragons are so cute. So cute that I ordered 4 more of them. HAED was having a 30% off sale & what girl can resist a sale. I got Eldar, Afternoon Tea,Curl up with a Good Book & Medieval Shelf. I also picked up Christmas Presence for my Santa collection. Without boring you further here is my progress on Train of Dreams & my start on Treasure Quest.
I have also taken the last picture of my TUSAL for 2010. It has been emptied into my huge jar & is ready to start over for 2011.